Saturday the 1st of February

Sigh…a lot has happened here on Waltons Mountain, I mean , in my life since my last post. Well, not a lot but seems like enough to make it seem a lot. Remember the ‘stuff’ I mentioned last time? One of the stuff: due to some unfathomable reason (people say it is because of the much-anticipated Dubai Expo), there has been a rise in apartment rents all over Sharjah. My studio rent which was AED 21000 per annum has become AED 26000 with no warning. So I didn’t renew my contract. I quietly packed my things and shifted the studio back to the room in my parents’ apartment where I had started my career 3 years ago.  My family has been very supportive through all of this. Still, I can’t help thinking this is a step down – I really thought things were moving forward…..

I finished the wolf drawing I had started in the beginning of January:


Graphite on smooth bristol, 5″x4″

Till next time!